Here is a link to Nancy Mohrbacher's website re: milk storage guidelines and here is a link to Enfamil's website re: formula storage guidelines. You might find conflicting information out there on the internet, within your friend or family groups or even from your care provider (especially re: giving a baby a bottle of breastmilk later if they've only had half), so err on the side of caution but also trust your gut. Here is another article from Nancy Mohrbacher's website re: feeding times that is a nice reminder about the frequency and duration of newborn feedings. Just like the Happiest Baby's website, it might be worth to taking some time to peruse Nancy's website and see if there are any other articles that have information that could be of use. |
And just because we're here talking about bottles, I wanted to introduce the idea of paced feeding. Here is a video that shows what it looks like (you can start the video around 1:45 if you want to get right to the point. If you're choosing or needing to do bottles, you can ask your LC or CP about paced feeding and whether or not that would be right for your family.