Newborn Formula
My life motto is, “Stay in your lane and drive fast” so when it comes to things like formula, I often referred out to lactation consultants or doctors or research because formula is as individualized as it comes. Each family has its own set of ideas when it comes to what’s healthy or tolerable in terms of ingredients, and recommending specific brands or types just doesn’t feel right – if I don’t tell you what’s best for your diet, I can’t tell you what’s best for your baby’s.
However! Thanks to some really amazing families that I’ve worked with, I’ve been able to find a really great website that I feel like gives families an overview on some of the ‘better’ formulas out there. Now, what’s hard about formula is the evidence-based piece – I can’t imagine anyone coming out and slamming Enfamil for what’s in their formula, and if it was dangerous it wouldn’t be on the shelves at all, but I suppose the question lies in what is ‘dangerous’. If you’re a read-the-ingredient-super-closely kind of person, then definitely do that, but if you’re a if-it’s-on-the-shelves-then-how-bad-can-it-be kind of person, then definitely go what whatever makes sense for both ease and expenses.
When I first made this video, the top recommended brands were the bougie European ones, Hipp and Holle, and lesser-known ones like Kabrita and Lebenswert. However, this article is always being updated so be sure to reference it to see what’s current now.
Full transparency, some families buy this expensive formula and don’t end up using any of it at all because breastfeeding goes so well. The absolute best option after breastmilk that comes from you, is donor milk so if you are going to go to the ends of the world to get this special formula, I’d highly encourage you to think about why you wouldn’t try and access some breastmilk that is local from other folks. If you’re truly looking for the *best* and *healthiest* option for baby, then it would be donor milk from a trusted source. I’ve posted the link below for Human Milk for Human Babies and I always have clients with a surplus of milk who are more than willing to donate it to a family in need, so just keep that in mind when you’re having some thoughts about formula.
I’ve linked the article below with the recommended brands of formula, and the article itself has some good information if you scroll all the way down past the recos.
I want to make it hyper clear though that it is absolutely fine if you choose to use formula like Enfamil or other brands because fed is best. This entire roadmap is meant to just give you a bunch of information to help you make the best choice for you, not for you to feel like you have to choose what I, or anyone else, thinks is best.
As always, shoot me a message if you have any questions or doubts after watching or reading this and hope to chat soon!
My life motto is, “Stay in your lane and drive fast” so when it comes to things like formula, I often referred out to lactation consultants or doctors or research because formula is as individualized as it comes. Each family has its own set of ideas when it comes to what’s healthy or tolerable in terms of ingredients, and recommending specific brands or types just doesn’t feel right – if I don’t tell you what’s best for your diet, I can’t tell you what’s best for your baby’s.
However! Thanks to some really amazing families that I’ve worked with, I’ve been able to find a really great website that I feel like gives families an overview on some of the ‘better’ formulas out there. Now, what’s hard about formula is the evidence-based piece – I can’t imagine anyone coming out and slamming Enfamil for what’s in their formula, and if it was dangerous it wouldn’t be on the shelves at all, but I suppose the question lies in what is ‘dangerous’. If you’re a read-the-ingredient-super-closely kind of person, then definitely do that, but if you’re a if-it’s-on-the-shelves-then-how-bad-can-it-be kind of person, then definitely go what whatever makes sense for both ease and expenses.
When I first made this video, the top recommended brands were the bougie European ones, Hipp and Holle, and lesser-known ones like Kabrita and Lebenswert. However, this article is always being updated so be sure to reference it to see what’s current now.
Full transparency, some families buy this expensive formula and don’t end up using any of it at all because breastfeeding goes so well. The absolute best option after breastmilk that comes from you, is donor milk so if you are going to go to the ends of the world to get this special formula, I’d highly encourage you to think about why you wouldn’t try and access some breastmilk that is local from other folks. If you’re truly looking for the *best* and *healthiest* option for baby, then it would be donor milk from a trusted source. I’ve posted the link below for Human Milk for Human Babies and I always have clients with a surplus of milk who are more than willing to donate it to a family in need, so just keep that in mind when you’re having some thoughts about formula.
I’ve linked the article below with the recommended brands of formula, and the article itself has some good information if you scroll all the way down past the recos.
I want to make it hyper clear though that it is absolutely fine if you choose to use formula like Enfamil or other brands because fed is best. This entire roadmap is meant to just give you a bunch of information to help you make the best choice for you, not for you to feel like you have to choose what I, or anyone else, thinks is best.
As always, shoot me a message if you have any questions or doubts after watching or reading this and hope to chat soon!