I get lots of questions about introducing puppies to babies, so here is a great article.
Top tips I liked?
Top tips I liked?
- Feed baby at the same time you feed the puppy (and yes, that might be 10+ times a day). Obviously smaller amounts, but it gets doggo more feeling like baby is truly part of the pack now (and he's still included)
- Put a dog bed in baby's room so he can chill with everyone and still feel very involved. Bonus if you do it before baby arrives with treats now and then so he extra loves the space.
- Get a baby doll + practice giving him attention when you have the baby so it's nbd when babe arrives (especially if you end up ignoring him a little bit at the beginning, he knows you normally give him attention so it shouldn't crush his world).
- When you're home from the hospital, one person brings doggo outside and your new family all walk into the home together so it's not like this new *thing* is intruding in his family's space.
- Teach him the "not now" command.