Examples for each of the comfort techniques:
Cognitive Strategies
Gate Control
Body Mechanics
- We used the combs in class, and they are one of my favourite labour weapons
- Sometimes a birther will find themselves pulling their own hair, hitting their own leg or even biting themselves; obviously inflicting self-pain isn't the name of the game, but it may be a part of your own rhythm and ritual. Scroll down this page to check out an amazing video with some real-life examples of birthers finding their flow + ritual.
Body Mechanics
- Labour positions! The more comfortable someone is in a position, the more they can rest and relax into the sensations. This relaxation helps the birther cope with the pain, rather than stimulating the fight-or-flight response and having a birth feel like they need to run away or escape from it. Imagine having a toothache and being contorted with a leg cramp.. the toothache will definitely feel worse! The number one priority is to get the birther into a labour position that works and then add on the other coping techniques.
And just as a reminder of my favourite coping techniques for each stage: