The Secret Language of Babies
I found the video randomly on YouTube and I was captivated. I couldn’t believe that someone even claimed to have hacked newborn communication and even more stunned that this almost only strictly applied to 0-3 months old.. Why? Because nothing seems relevant to 0-3 months old. A lot of the messaging is that sleeping is random, patterns are everchanging, growth is unpredictable but I immediately bought what this lady was selling; a sure-fire way to understand the sounds babies make and be able to appropriately address and care for their needs.
I’ve gotten mixed reviews; some families say it is bang on and has completely revolutionized their relationship with their baby and their belief and ability to communicate with each other and others say that it’s only more frustrating and confusing to try and decipher sounds that are all so close and seemingly uncipherable.
I highly encourage you to watch the entire video, *especially* starting at 5:30. Even if you think the whole communication thing is a farce, just listen to these women share how it feels when their babies cry and they don’t know what the cries mean. They are so vulnerable, open and honest with their feelings and what they’re feeling is completely valid and common and you might find that you feel that way too. Please know that sometimes babies just cry, we call it PURPLE crying. P for it peaks around month two, U for unexpected, R for they resist soothing, P for painful expression on their faces, L for long lasting and E for evening. Crying is a part of being a baby and it can be really triggering and really hard for moms. Please know that they’re not crying because you’re inadequate, but because that’s what babies do and they have limited communication options. If the crying is ever overwhelming, if it’s taking a toll on your soul, please know you can call me and I’ll walk you through some different options, techniques, ideas or I can just hold space for you and the three of us can just cry together.
Good on you for watching this if you’re pregnant, and big hug to you and hopefully it was helpful if baby is already here!
I found the video randomly on YouTube and I was captivated. I couldn’t believe that someone even claimed to have hacked newborn communication and even more stunned that this almost only strictly applied to 0-3 months old.. Why? Because nothing seems relevant to 0-3 months old. A lot of the messaging is that sleeping is random, patterns are everchanging, growth is unpredictable but I immediately bought what this lady was selling; a sure-fire way to understand the sounds babies make and be able to appropriately address and care for their needs.
I’ve gotten mixed reviews; some families say it is bang on and has completely revolutionized their relationship with their baby and their belief and ability to communicate with each other and others say that it’s only more frustrating and confusing to try and decipher sounds that are all so close and seemingly uncipherable.
I highly encourage you to watch the entire video, *especially* starting at 5:30. Even if you think the whole communication thing is a farce, just listen to these women share how it feels when their babies cry and they don’t know what the cries mean. They are so vulnerable, open and honest with their feelings and what they’re feeling is completely valid and common and you might find that you feel that way too. Please know that sometimes babies just cry, we call it PURPLE crying. P for it peaks around month two, U for unexpected, R for they resist soothing, P for painful expression on their faces, L for long lasting and E for evening. Crying is a part of being a baby and it can be really triggering and really hard for moms. Please know that they’re not crying because you’re inadequate, but because that’s what babies do and they have limited communication options. If the crying is ever overwhelming, if it’s taking a toll on your soul, please know you can call me and I’ll walk you through some different options, techniques, ideas or I can just hold space for you and the three of us can just cry together.
Good on you for watching this if you’re pregnant, and big hug to you and hopefully it was helpful if baby is already here!